Office Bearers
Chairman – Anne Humphrey (email [email protected])
Vice-Chairman – Sandra Gann
Hon. Secretary – Vacant
Hon. Treasurer and Membership Secretary – Bob Humphrey (email [email protected])
Executive Committee | Events and Promotions |
Mark Dodds | Chairman: Zoreen Hill |
Brian Gowthorpe | Sandra Gann |
Georgina Hill | Anne Humphrey |
Zoreen Hill | Georgina Hill |
Martha Andrews | Bob Humphrey |
Planning and Development | The Main Guard |
Chairman: Brian Gowthorpe | Joint Chairmen: Sandra McGann and Anne Humphrey |
Cheryl Bee | Martha Andrews |
Mark Dodds | Zoreen Hill |
John Elliott | Bob Humphrey |
Zoreen Hill | Bob Steward |
Martin Laidler | |
Rosalind Downing | Newsletter and Publications |
Martha Andrews | |
John Elliott | |
Bob Humphrey | |
Website Manager | Bryan Stanley |
Homer Lindsay [email protected] | Suzanne Stanley |
We would welcome others who may like to get involved with the work of The Society.