Click to go to Events Calendar for more details
This year‘s calendar of events begins on the 11th of May with a talk by Hugh Garratt on;
“Change and Decay: Some Key Issues in the Conservation of Historic Buildings.”. This
was arranged by Brian Gowthorpe and it will concentrate on a problematic area which
occurs time and time again in planning applications.
Brian will give us a talk himself on the 13th of July entitled; “The Perils of Property
Development”. In between, on 8th June we are very pleased that Richard Simpson,
Vice-Chairman of Simpsons Malt will give a talk on; “Simpson Malt – A Berwick History”.
The acclaimed archaeologist, biographer, teacher of woodland and tree histories,
Max Adams, makes a very welcome return on October 5th to give a talk entitled; “The
Museum of the Wood Age”.

Our combined meeting with The History Society takes place on October 19th. Again
this year, we have a very eminent speaker in Robert Bartlett Emeritus Professor of
Medieval History at the University St Andrews who has broadcast a series on BBC
television. His talk is on; “The Miracles of St Ebba of Coldingham”.
November 9th sees a focus on the famous Sir Walter Scott Mansion, Abbotsford on;
“The Abbotsford Trust – An Outreach Talk” by Hamish Reid.
At the end of the year on December 7th, we plan a Christmas themed event in The
Parish Centre – the format and details to be confirmed later.